marketing | communications | public relations

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writing & editing

Aysha Griffin


Gaming, Casino, Municipal: Central City Casino Association & City of Central


Marketing & Collateral Materials ~ a few samples from 20+ years of copy writing, graphic & logo design and production of Branding, Marketing & PR Campaigns for a wide variety of clients in many different industries

Education: Cheshire Book Companions

Aysha’s company, Studio A Communications & Marketing, was the first agency of record for the Central City Casino Association, producing marketing and collateral materials for the Association’s special events and promotions.

Additionally, Aysha was retained by the City of Central, Colorado, to create a map of the City’s Bus System and reproduce and deliver it as signage and brochures.

For four years, Aysha was sole graphic designer, copywriter and producer of Cheshire Book Companion’s full-color 12-page product catalog, sent quarterly to more than 100,000 U.S. school and public librarians.

Working directly with the President, she designed and produced a cost-effective two-color template for VHS packaging, coordinated audio and video production talent and even provided some voice-over for videos.

Her tenure as advertising agency ended when Cheshire was sold to Learning Tree for an undisclosed amount.

Education: Colorado School-To-Career Partnership

Aysha was chosen from an RFP bid by the State of Colorado to design, copy write and produce marketing and collateral materials for this specially-funded program. Additionally, she created and implemented a strategic Public Relations campaign with print and broadcast media to inform the public and secure local business involvement. As with all campaigns, consideration was given in the design process to ensure cost-effective reproduction of printed materials.

Hospitality: Conference Center

Hospitality: B&B

Glenelly Inn
Glen Ellen, CA

When new owners purchased this historic property and inn, Aysha was hired to transform single color marketing materials, that had no illustration, into ones that captured the tranquil feel and elegant flavor. She hired Sonoma artist, Claudia Wagar, who created a watercolor painting to serve as the main illustration and also hang in the public dining room. Although clearly a sophisticated brochure (with matching collaterals), it is a 2-color print job which, in pre-digital days saved the client thousands of dollars in print costs.

Westerbeke Ranch Conference Center, Sonoma, CA

Whitehall Lane Winery, St. Helena, CA

Hendicks Institute, Ojai, CA
quarterly newsletter


Non-Profit Organization: Save The Chimps

Newsletters and Catalogs

Jefferson County Adult Education, Colorado - 4 years of quarterly catalog copy editing, design and production

DZI News
quarterly newsletter

This extraordinary organization was formed by the late primatologist, Dr. Carole Noon, to rescue some 300 chimps from unspeakable “research” in Alamogordo, NM. The were then moved to a purpose-built sanctuary in Ft. Pierce, FL.

Aysha created a brochure, this folder  (shown) and the initial website to raise awareness and funds to “Save The Chimps”.